Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heres an overview:)

It’s our last week of ministry here! Time has flown by and I will be very sad to leave here! But since I haven’t written in a couple of weeks, I’ll just go over some of the thing we have done. We went back to the dump! While we were there, my team mate Tabitha and I went through the trash with one of the men we met. What an experience! We scrimmaged through dirty diapers, rotting food infested with maggots, and TONS of other smelly trash to find plastic bottles and aluminum cans. It was one of my favorite moments on the trip and a very humbling one too. I won’t be complaining about any of the jobs I have to do for awhile! I was also able to give the vitamins to the pregnant woman that I met the first time.  We gave rice and beans to the dump families and boots to some of the kids. We even had a little piƱata party for the children. What a blessing it was to truly serve “the least of these”. We also did many prayer walks through the markets where we got to pray with a lot of the venders and other people, including two Guatemalan soldiers and one police officer. Its not uncommon to see homeless people near the market, so my group and I were able to provide a meal to a few of the homeless people that we met throughout our prayer walks. We’ve continued to bring flowers and chocolates to the prostitutes. My team mate Laura and I were able to pray with and encourage a man who provided free condoms to the working women there. A prayer request was answered when a group of us was allowed into a night club that we had been forbidden in since the beginning of the trip. My team mate Sarah was able to give a bible to one of the prostitutes who recently said that she reads it to her kids every night before she goes to work. What a blessing it has been to serve here. God has truly used this team to plant seeds in many of the Guatemalans hearts. In September, another group of collage aged people are coming to this same place for four months. I’m excited to see how God will use them to water the seeds that He has allowed us to plant. I ask that you join me in prayer for the next coming team! Thanks <3

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ephesians 3:20-21

During my first couple times ministering to the prostitutes, I was sort of numb. Yea it was sad, but I left and it was all okay again. Why should the next time be any different? I don’t know but it was! The numbness left and I felt my heart break for these girls. I listened to a woman who had worked at a bar for 12 years and desperately wanted out. I watched many women walk in and out of the hotel rooms behind the bars. I witnessed a teary eyed girl pushing away her drunk “client” as he started getting physical with her.  We walked outside to the next bar but I didn’t go in. It was all just too overwhelming. Thinking how this is their life and that they are physically or emotionally trapped in those bars just broke my heart.  Then it was time to leave… my least favorite part actually. I hate leaving those women behind in the bars! So as my team piled into our sketchy van, God gave me a dream and a prayer… To see these women walk out of that lifestyle and into His love. My Prayer is that one day before we leave, that teary eye woman is able to walk out of that bar WITH us. I know that God can break these chains! He is able to do FAR MORE ABUDANTLY than all we ASK or THINK. So I ask that you all join me in my prayer for these women!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rainbow in the darkness

Walking through the dump was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Though we were bringing hope to these people by praying with them and handing out food, the hopelessness started to overwhelm me. We carefully walked through the thick mud and mounds of trash to give out the food. The smell of decaying animals mixed with rotting trash and feces was hard to handle. At times I just wanted to breathe with my mouth but was hesitant to because of the hundreds of flies swarming around. My heart started to break as I watched little barefooted children run through the trash. Holding back tears, I kept walking along trying not to slip into the garbage. We got to our last group of people and as we stood there about to pray, I noticed something in the sky. Circling around the sun was a rainbow! And as I stood in this filth looking up, I remembered that even in the darkest most hopeless situations, God still has a promise. Even through all of the dirty trash, these are God’s children and He loves them. It was a challenge for me to be there but I’m glad we brought some light into the dark place. I’m excited to go back and show them more about the hope and promise Jesus brings us even in what seems like a hopeless place. My team mate Tabitha and I felt God really calling us to deeply impact these people. We plan on bringing new shoes to them and even help the adults scrimmage through the trash. We also met a 17yr old girl who was 4months pregnant. Our goal for her is to provide prenatal vitamins, certain items for her and her future baby, and God willing be able to take her for a prenatal doctor appointment. We want to change their lives and if God us for us then who can ever stops us!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Follow me on my adventure to Guatemala!

As some of you know, I am going on a two month mission trip to Guatemala in three weeks! On June 3rd, I will travel to Tennessee to meet my team of 13 girls. There we will do some training to prepare for our time on the mission field. On June 7th, we will travel to Puerto Barrios, Guatemala! While there we will have the opportunity to do dramas in schools and churches, work in orphanages and with street kids, and take food and clothing to those living in the dump and mountains. I am very excited for this opportunity and I'm excited to see what God has to teach me. I would love if you are able to experience this two month adventure with me and follow me on my blog! My team and I could definitely use your prayers. Please pray for health, safety, team unity, and for God to soften the hearts of the Guatemalans. Follow my blog and see what God is doing in Guatemala!!
Thanks <3